Flannery Plant Hire discuss the fuel tax

Valued partners Flannery Plant Hire discuss the fuel tax and how MachineMax will mitigate its impact for their customers.
Chris Matthew Flannery Strategic Manager and Arnie Prescott Flannery Business Development Director discuss how Flannery is responding to the new fuel tax and how their technologies and business processes are reducing the impact on their customers.
Users of off-highway construction machinery will have to pay an extra 46.81 pence per litre for their diesel, paying the standard tax rate of 57.95 pence per litre rather than the subsidised red diesel rate of 11.14 pence per litre which will impact the industry massively.
In the month of February 2022 MachineMax recorded just shy of 950,000 litres of fuel consumed, 2,500 tonnes of CO2 and an average of 45% of operating time was idle across Flannery’s connected fleet. With the added 46.81p spent per litre with the added fuel levy, in the month of February an added £444,000 would be spent on fuel. There is so much idling happening that by having data from the MachineMax platform will enable sites to identify where and when it is happening and by taking action, idling will decrease. Customers that have actioned the insights from the platform have reduced idling by up to 10%, meaning the savings from fuel alone could be around £44,000 a month for Flannery customers.
Further to this, addressing operational inefficiencies using machine data can yield further benefits including: improved capital discipline by cutting down on the number of equipment, increased productivity by streamlining operations, decreased operating costs by cutting down on rental costs; decreased fuel consumption, maintenance costs, and CO2 emissions by using the machines more efficiently.